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周二 2.00pm-4.45pm 

婴儿诊所由医生和治疗室护士经营。  它包括儿童发育检查和免疫接种,并允许有机会讨论其他问题,例如睡眠、喂养和儿童健康问题。

糖尿病诊所 ……


childhood immunisation (3).png

由 Emer Martin 修女与医生共同经营,涵盖糖尿病护理的各个方面。

哮喘/慢性阻塞性肺病诊所 ……


这是由我们的执业护士修女 Emer Martin 与医生共同管理的。

华法林诊所 ……


由 Martin 修女与医生共同管理,用于监测服用华法林药物的患者。

小手术诊所 ……

(by appointment)


宫颈涂片筛查 ……



这些诊所由我们的执业护士修女 Emer Martin 与全科医生共同经营。  预约可通过接待处预订。

Private referrals and follow up of private treatment......

The GP can write a letter to refer you to a private clinic or Consultant, you can sometimes also self refer to these clinics however please be aware that any tests or procedures are required the Private Clinic will be responsible for carrying these out and for all follow up.

Full details on the Practice's private referral and follow up policy can be found here

Please ensure you read this carefully before making a decision to consult the private sector.

非 NHS 考试和要求 ……






残疾人通道 ……

轮椅可通过正门入口处的坡道进入大楼。  如有需要,还可搭乘电梯前往所有楼层。  患者服务在底层提供。 


Test results ....

Test results are available by contacting the Practice by telephone after 11.00am.


The Reception staff can provide details of test results provided these have been signed off by the GP.

Anyone needing to discuss results with a GP should speak to reception advising them of this.












单击此处可从 NI Maternity 获得更多信息和支持


免疫和疫苗接种 ……

Weekend and night cover ....

该实践不再提供旅行咨询/疫苗建议,但可以在任何 N.Ireland 的旅行诊所进行 - 有关如何与他们取得联系的详细信息可从接待处获得。 

在收到旅行诊所的书面建议后,诊所很乐意提供和管理任何 NHS 推荐的疫苗。

Out of hours cover is provided by North & West Urgent Care who are available from 6.00pm Monday to Friday, at weekends and at holiday periods.

They can be contacted on


(028) 90 744447

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